ICT combines the best of two key technologies
Today, life and the world of work are all part of the information society. A number of innovations throughout the world are based on ensuring an increasing volume of information can be exchanged efficiently and processed intelligently. Various components have to interact with each other in nearly all electronic devices. A knowledge of both hardware and software is required to be able to successfully develop such systems. Information and communication technology (ICT) combines the most important areas of electrical engineering, electronics, and communications engineering, as well as computer science.
Topics covered:

Students of ICT develop and conduct research in the following fields:
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Innovative audio and video technologies (multimedia)
- Intelligent electricity networks (smart grids)
- Energy-efficient IT systems (green IT)
- Fast transmission technologies
- Optimised medical technologies (e.g. telemedicine, digital hearing aids)
Engineers who have studied information and communication technology are constantly identifying new and varied fields of work. Interdisciplinary technology of this nature is vital for most tasks and products in high-tech industries. ICT technologies are also used in the automotive sector, for example, or for the development of embedded systems.
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